Dykem Layout & Staining Fluid

Dykem is the blue chip of the metal marking industry. Quality and reliability has made DYKEM one of the world's most popular brands of layout fluids and staining colors. These products are ideal for color coding color identification of metals, parts, electrical parts, bearings and assemblies.
- Dykem Steel Blue & Steel Red layout fluids are used to scribe sharp, clear, precise lines.
Dykem Layout Fluids are sold in case lots only in 930 ml bottles, and the 8 oz. & 4 oz., Brush-In Cap and the 2oz Felt Tip Applicator only. If you need to check stock please call the main office in Birmingham, Al @ 1-800-964-6275.
SHIPS UPS GROUND ONLY!Material Safety Data Sheets for all Dykem/Dymon products can be acquired via Dykems web site at www.itwprofessionalbrands.com
- Dykem Steel Blue & Steel Red layout fluids are used to scribe sharp, clear, precise lines.
Dykem Layout Fluids are sold in case lots only in 930 ml bottles, and the 8 oz. & 4 oz., Brush-In Cap and the 2oz Felt Tip Applicator only. If you need to check stock please call the main office in Birmingham, Al @ 1-800-964-6275.
Material Safety Data Sheets for all Dykem/Dymon products can be acquired via Dykems web site at www.itwprofessionalbrands.com
- Quality and reliability has made DYKEM one of the world's most popular brands of layout fluids.
- Dykem Staining fluids are ideal for color coding of metals, parts, electrical parts, bearings and assemblies.
Dykem Staining Fluids are sold in case lots only in Brush-in-Cap 8oz. If you need to check stock please call the main office in Birmingham, Al @ 1-800-964-6275.
Material Safety Data Sheets for all Dykem/Dymon products can be acquired via Dykems web site at www.itwprofessionalbrands.com
- Dykems High Spot, a uniform paste that spreads easily and evenly to show high spots on bearings.
If you need to check stock please call the main office in Birmingham, Al @ 1-800-964-6275.
Material Safety Data Sheets for all Dykem/Dymon products can be acquired via Dykems web site at www.itwprofessionalbrands.com