Dykem Layout Fluid - Steel Blue

  • Dykem Steel Blue & Steel Red layout fluids are used to scribe sharp, clear, precise lines.

Dykem Layout Fluids are sold in case lots only in 930 ml bottles, and the 8 oz. & 4 oz., Brush-In Cap and the 2oz Felt Tip Applicator only. If you need to check stock please call the main office in Birmingham, Al @ 1-800-964-6275.


Material Safety Data Sheets for all Dykem/Dymon products can be acquired via Dykems web site at www.itwprofessionalbrands.com 

Item Product Name Price Image
DYKEM-80000Steel Blue Layout Fluid- Aerosol 16 oz., 12/Cs
DYKEM-80200Steel Blue Layout Fluid- Felt Tip Applicator 2 oz., 12/Cs
DYKEM-80300Steel Blue Layout Fluid- Brush-In-Cap 4 oz., 12/Cs
DYKEM-80400Steel Blue Layout Fluid- Brush-In-Cap 8 oz., 12/Cs
DYKEM-80600Steel Blue Layout Fluid- Bottle 930 ml.,12/Cs